When I was 4, my mom wou, upon hearing a recorded song on the tape recorder
0:00 The song I play for the water.
5:40 The divorce story
11:52 The experience of unshaven legs
13:35 Human Design - I'm a Manifesting Generator
16:12 Gifts of learning how things feel in body: Releasing the former lover/twin flame
18:15 I know what I WANT, based on what I want to ___________________
19:19 Singing through a trigger to release attachment - Also how I shift my vibe in traffic
23:23 I have "ADD" - here's how I get clear on what to focus on.
The rest you'll get to know on your own time <3
Copyright 2022, Jamie Lyn (Sousa) Bagley
Westmoreland: A wild woman's collection of song and stories