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Reflecting on a Body Built on Comfort Food

If I'm on a set or sitting next to you at a restaurant bar, and we strike up a conversation, food might be a topic that comes up.

I believe that the food that we eat directly affects our mind, body and dare I say it - our spirit!

I am also working on shifting the way I feel by changing up my diet these days.

I'd enjoyed a New England winter of going out to restaurants for fun - especially Mexican restaurants with chips, salsa, spinach quesadillas and margaritas.

I know better. Of COURSE I know better! I know that I'm happier in my body when I'm lighter, and looking toned and fitting loosely in my clothing.

I'm also happy enjoying skinny mango margaritas, warm and cozy at one of my favorite comfort food haunts. Comfort food. Yes, comfort. COMFORT.

"Comfort zone" has become a buzz phrase with a negative connotation. A comfort zone can be necessary because it can be the place we go to after experimenting with the unknown.

Sometimes a comfort zone is somebody's constant marijuana use...or the hitting of a vape pen all the time...or a relationship that's been lived in for several years. A comfort zone can be a type of food, a genre of music. A comfort zone can include living close to family.

A comfort zone is safe and brings us into balance when we've been off exploring somewhere, someone or some thing new for a while.

And let's face it - food can be a major source of comfort.

Welp. If the old adage, "you are what you eat" is true, then it's time to adjust to eating natural, "whole" foods. After all, if I eat mostly "natural and whole" foods, then I too will be "natural and whole".

A simple process to changing my body:


80/20 is a pretty standard guideline to follow in this process: 80% of the time, eat natural foods, and indulge 20% of the time if that feels good.

Walk 10,000 steps/day because walking outside brings clarity.

Lift heavy weights because I feel amazing after.


The dominant habit is what is important, because the body will reflect the dominant habit.


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